Erectile Dysfunction (ED) - A Blueberry vs A Blue Pill | CHEF AJ LIVE! with Dr. Akil Taher
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) - A Blueberry vs A Blue Pill | CHEF AJ LIVE! with Dr. Akil Taher
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GET MY FREE INSTANT POT COOKBOOK: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MY LATEST BESTSELLING BOOK: ----------------------------------------------------------- While it might be a difficult subject for men (and women) to talk about, it's been reported that more than half of men between the ages of 40 and 70 experience some form of ED. When you understand the cause, you can understand that the remedies most doctors prescribe may not be the first option men will want to explore. In this interview, Akil Taher, MD, shows the relational cause of ED and the benefits of the blueberry vs the blue pill. It's simple to understand why one is better than the other after you learn this valuable information. He will also talk about the deep relation between ED and Heart Disease. As a physician, Dr. Taher prescribed the little blue pill to scores of patients over the years, and now that he has adopted a whole-food, plant-based vegan lifestyle and is teaching others the benefits of a plant-based diet, the blueberry is his new prescription, and he shares why. Dr. Taher is honored to be a part of the Ultimate Vegan Health & Weight Loss Bundle with his eBook, "HEART HEALTH, WISDOM QUOTES, FACTS, AND RESOURCES". In it, you will find inspirational quotes, scientific information, video links, resources, and more. He is also launching his "Monthly Talk with the Heart Healthy Doc" and information about how you can be in the Doctor's Corner Zoom Room to learn and ask questions, is something you'll find inside the eBook. Some of the topics Dr. Taher will cover in the monthly talks include: Heart disease [In Women | Men | Children] Diabetes | Arthritis | Hypertension Cholesterol | Obesity | Migraines Diverticulitis Cancer ED Benign prostatic hypertrophy ( BPH) Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Peptic Ulcer Chronic back problems Get Dr. Taher's eBook and over 100 more downloadable or otherwise accessible products that are a part of the Bundle for such a great price. You can get your Bundle using this link: Dr. Akil Taher is a practicing medical doctor, an author, eternal optimist, explorer, adventurer, and a strong advocate for a whole food, plant-based vegan lifestyle. He is a Septuagenarian athlete who has educated thousands to understand a way out of the pain of chronic illness and disease. He believes that what you eat is the most important pillar of the 6 Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine. Dr. Taher knows and shares through his incredible story, the life-changing benefits of living a WFPB vegan lifestyle and it’s more than what you may think. Dr. Taher’s book “OPEN HEART: The Transformational Journey of a Doctor Who, After Bypass Surgery at 61, Ran Marathons and Climbed Mountains” is available on Amazon, Kindle and is NEWLY RELEASED on Audible (read in the author’s own voice). All proceeds from book sales go to charity. Get a copy at: Find Dr. Taher on Social Media at: Website: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter:
Aired: 2024-12-14T10:45:47+0800
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