ED Pills Viagra Cialis and sex shop magic!!
ED Pills Viagra Cialis and sex shop magic!!
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In This video we talk about Erectile dysfunction Pills Ed pills such as Viagra cialis and the ones you get at the sex shop!! The is for people that are curious and people that dabble around with erection pills!! At the End of the Day I Don’t recommend any body take them!! I share My Journey with sex Pills being fresh out of High school College where people are drinking and you want to be the marathon man!! The best sex pills in my experience are the ones at the sex shop!! Two main go too are Cialis tadalafil And Viagra sildenafil and leviatra which is like the big 3!! The ones at the sex shop are a mixture in a proxperity blend!! Vitamin shops have good ones too but not main stream stores like GNC and vitamin shope or even size up bro!! You got to go to meat head shops where the guy working behind the counter actually takes the stuff because if your not passionate your work holds no validly!! Maybe at a sex shop you’ll get the guy that will say we sell a lot of these!! Thats better but you get guys in there 50s that say they never take them and its like ok because your penis is an ego manifestation and to say that no one is silent worship of Phallic shape things like the Washington monument Effie tower a hot dog on a bun a popsicle people like erect objects!! The thing about sex shop pills is they are inconsistent they constantly have new batches and each pill can be different!! At the end of the day these pils have drugs in them that they are trying to hide!! With Indian Cialis viagra they just weren’t as strong and even the Pfizer brand!! Now Its not as taboo and you got companies like HIMS with chewable versions I can’t say I ever tried those but I always found I like the sex shop magic!! I find that its best to not rely on drugs because when you go within you understand that you are the drug you are the creation!! Taking sex pills becomes a crutch!! Its not that your not going to be able to get hard on your own its just that you want comfort in knowing you don’t have to worry about whiskey dick and know you can perform!! The thing is sex is beyond human form it transcends into the astral realms!! Sexual energy is real the feeling of an erection and that creation is inside and beyond this dimension!! Which helps come to the realization that sex is so much more than the load!! People take these pills daily bodybuilders it part of their pct and even taking them 2-3 per week is no good because they don’t work as work as good after a while!! When you seldom use them they are fun and with great power comes great responsibility if you need it to have sex with your partner or whomever that night you should think about is it really worth it!! I came to the conclusion that the beautiful passionate sex comes from within and not the pill!! Because there were times I taken one and its like did it work or why was it better last time and I realize its all inside!! Sex expert Mantak Chia talks about holding your loads for chi and getting in touch with my body is a huge game changer!! Not just blowing a load but having sex with passion and purpose!! Mantak chia is a sex expert taoist from Asia that has charts on when to ejaculate!! JOIN ME IN THE BCC (BIG COCK CONSCIOUS BIG COCK COLLECTIVE ) I HELP PEOPLE BECOME THERE BEST VERSIONS AND TEACH HOW TO GROW YOUR PENIS BIGGER WIDER THICKER LONGER STRONGER AND HARDER!! HOW TO NATURALLY RAISE YOUR TESTOSTERONE HGH HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE!! IM A COACH A SPIRITUAL MENTOR I DO SKYPE SESSIONS AND ONLINE COACHING PACKAGES!! IG JESUS_DETROIT SC YOUNGDAYGO ❤️ 🍆Jesusfit@aol.com💪🏽🍆 THANK YOU!! YOU GUYS ARE BEAUTIFUL!! LOVE YOUS
Aired: 2024-12-14T10:45:54+0800
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