Oestrogen Expert: Birth Control Changes Who You Are...Would You Still Love Them If You Came Off It?
Oestrogen Expert: Birth Control Changes Who You Are...Would You Still Love Them If You Came Off It?
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From sabotaging sex to axing attraction, new research is showing that the birth control pill can have impacts you never imagined Dr Sarah Hill is a renowned evolutionary social psychologist whose work focuses on women and health. She is also the author of the book, ‘How the Pill Changes Everything: Your Brain on Birth Control’. 00:00 Intro 02:04 What Is the Mission You Are On? 02:58 Is This Conversation Only for Women? 03:47 Why Does Sarah Hill Do This Work? 05:13 Is There a Problem in Dating When Women Have More Resources? 09:00 Is Sex Trending Down? 10:23 Why Don’t Women Date Broke Men? 12:09 Is This Patriarchy? 14:35 Why Do Men Take More Risks? 16:22 Are Men Better at Business Than Women? 22:46 Why Don’t We Live Like Our Biology Intended? 25:22 Signs of a High-Status Male 27:05 How Women’s Preferences Change During Their Cycle 33:17 High Testosterone and Relationship Status 34:12 Do Men’s Testosterone Levels Plummet After Having a Baby? 35:58 Do Nice Guys Get Laid? 37:08 What Makes Us Attracted to Someone? 41:07 Are Men Less Attracted to Successful Women? 42:40 Jealousy Among the Sexes 47:03 Why Do Women Have Gay Best Friends? 48:58 Why Did Sarah Write Her Book on Birth Control? 53:35 What Does Sarah Wish She Was Told About the Pill? 55:34 How the Pill Changes Your Sexual Desires 01:02:05 If My Partner Is on the Pill, Will She Like Me If She Comes Off? 01:05:47 Would a Man’s Attraction Change If a Woman Is Off the Pill? 01:08:04 Will My Testosterone Be Lower If My Partner Is on Birth Control? 01:11:00 Is There a Population Crash Coming? 01:11:51 Advertisements 01:13:53 What Is a Good Man? 01:17:05 Sex Appetite Across Genders and Why 01:20:24 Advice for Young Men Struggling to Get a Woman 01:23:15 Advice for Daughters on Attracting a Man 01:25:41 Are Men Attracted to Confident Women? 01:28:36 What Are Daddy Issues? 01:30:16 What Role Does a Father Play in a Woman’s Sexual Partner? 01:30:51 What Impact Does the Birth Control Pill Have on Stress? 01:33:35 Depression and Suicide Linked to the Pill 01:35:29 How Did Sarah Feel About Her Daughter’s Decision on Birth Control? 01:40:34 What If Men Had to Take the Pill? 01:44:24 What’s the Most Popular Email Sarah Gets? 01:47:51 Guest’s Last Question 🚀 The 1% Diary is live - and it won’t be around for long, so act fast! https://bit.ly/1-Diary-YT-ad-reads Follow Dr Sarah: Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/KjuJon93HOb Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/UFHinMb4HOb Website - https://g2ul0.app.link/f3JSWDd4HOb You can purchase Dr Sarah’s book, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/oEjQpGOwJOb Studies mentioned - https://beacons.ai/thediaryofaceo Get access to exclusive Diary of a CEO content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGq-a57w-aPwyi3pW7XLiHw/join You can purchase Dr Sarah’s book, here: https://amzn.to/4fVNRXh Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb Sponsors: Bon Charge - http://boncharge.com/diary with code DIARY for 25% off ZOE - http://joinzoe.com with code STEVEN10 for 10% off
Aired: 2024-12-14T10:45:00+0800
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