Get a bigger P*nis Fast // Male Enhancement Powerful Subliminal

Get a bigger P*nis Fast // Male Enhancement Powerful Subliminal

~Long Penis
~Thick Penis
~Healthy Penis and Prostate
~Strong erections in bed
~Ejaculate Late during sex
~Easy for you to please you partner
~Confident during sex
~Increase Penis Size

Listen to this subliminal for at least 30-60 min a day to get the best results.
Listen at about 40 % volume and stay hydrated.
While listening try to imagine yourself in your desired state.
Get enough sleep that is extremely important and act as if your desire is already fulfilled.

The affirmations in this video are all in the "I" form so that your subconscious mind adapts to them and starts taking action as fast as possible. They are very quiet and layered under the music so that you can barely hear them. But trust me, your subconscious mind can;)

what is a subliminal?
behind the music there are voices which contain messages called affirmations, which are things like "i am skinny" or "i am beautiful"(these are just examples, not actually in this subliminal) and these bypass your conscious mind and your subconscious picks these up and acts on them producing real results!! these are the fundamentals of subliminals.

-All of my subliminals are safe.
-You can multitask while listening.
-You can listen to them while you sleep.
-They can be downloaded.
-Consistency is key.

For requests email me at:
[email protected].

Stay safe, happy and healthy!