Shark Tank CBD Gummies Quit Smoking | Myth Debunked | Shark Tank CBD Gummies To Quit Smoking
Shark Tank CBD Gummies Quit Smoking | Myth Debunked | Shark Tank CBD Gummies To Quit Smoking
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Check Our Recommended Brand (Backed By Actual Athletes ) : CBD Gummies: Chapters: 1:55 Shark Tank CBD Gummies Quit Smoking Episode 2:29 CBD Gummies for Smoking 3:12 CBD Gummies to Quit Smoking When Did Shark Tank start promoting CBD gummies to quit smoking? The last time we checked, CBD gummies was a TV show that was about investing money and not producing CBD products. Shark Tank is not making CBD gummies nor is it promoting any brand. Also, if you come across any CBD brands that claim to be associated with Shark Tank, make sure they are legit. Anyways, we are here to talk about these Shark Tank CBD gummies that may help us quit smoking. Tall claims, No? Before we proceed, we would like to make a disclaimer. CBD Gummies or any CBD product for that matter is scientifically proven to be useful. I am not against CBD or any particular brand of CBD. In fact, I know people with mental health problems who swear by CBD. I just want to serve my audience with proper information so that they make an informed decision. So, let us dive deeper and find out what this mystery is. Shark Tank Start Making CBD Gummies To Quit Smoking? As I said earlier, Shark Tank is just a TV show. It neither has any products nor does it promote any. And let me tell you this as well. Shark Tank is not a brand. It merely is a platform where product owners describe their product or service to get investment. We know you must have come across web pages claiming or even promoting some CBD product. I activated my private detective brain cells and tried to get to the bottom of this. I came across two web pages often. I will not be naming the products or the people who were there on the pages to avoid legal hassles. One web page had the twin sister episode. The other had a guy with an amazing beard. What I find out about these people will surprise you. Spoiler alert… They are not the owners of any CBD gummies. Here is what we found. Shark Tank CBD Gummies Quit Smoking Episode The two web pages that claim such an episode exists are fake. Both the episodes were about different products. The Shark Tank episode with the twin sister was about a kid activity product. These sisters have nothing to do with any CBD brand, product, or service. The episode which features the guy with the beard is about a beard product. That guy promotes his product for facial hair. What do you feel about this? Now you must be thinking about whether CBD can be used for quitting smoking or not? Let's find out… CBD gummies For Smoking By now, you must be wondering if CBD can actually help you with cigarette addiction. Yes, it can. If you are currently addicted to smoking, CBD can help in reducing the pleasantness of smoking. I know it sounds weird. But hear me out. With reduced pleasantness, your mind craves cigarettes less. CBD is also known to reduce anxiety, stress, depression, and mood swings. These are common triggers that cause you to crave a cigarette. When these triggers are taken care of, you will smoke less. Common sense, right? And what if you have recently quit smoking? We will talk about it in a minute. CBD Gummies to Quit Smoking When you quit smoking, you may experience nicotine withdrawal syndromes. These symptoms include mood swings, anger, body ache, joint pain, and fatigue. You may also experience something called Smoker’s Flu. Some of the people also complain about lack of focus, irregular sleep patterns, and brain fog. CBD is proven to help with most of these symptoms. Earlier, people wouldn't consider using CBD because the oil leaves a very bad aftertaste. With the arrival of CBD gummies, this is no longer a problem. There you have it, folks. What do you think about it? Let us know your reaction in the comment down below. Don't forget to Like , Share and subscribe. Read More: Scientific Study for CBD Usage for Quitting Smoking/ Nicotine Addiction:
Aired: 2024-12-14T10:17:55+0800
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